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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Double Bunny Vibrator - A review

Posted by Kevin Fedorr at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Vibrators are in a continuous state of ascendancy as far as popularity is concerned. New vibrators are coming out regularly that seem to further improve upon the erotic stimulation offered by vibrators that came before. One of the newer entrants in this bustling scenario is the Double Bunny Vibrator.

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Bringing to you the benefit of triple stimulation

In a bid to differentiate itself from the other vibrators, the Double Bunny aims to offer triple stimulation to women. The first and the very obvious stimulation is in the form of vaginal stimulation. The vibrator also stimulates the clitoris. The unique feature of this vibrator is that it also enables anal stimulation. Its triple action has made it a big hit amongst women who are always looking for something new and innovative when it comes to erotic stimulation. This is perhaps the hottest vibrator that has hit the market.

Should you go for it?

The simple answer is a big - Yes. The erotic stimulation on offer is near about perfect and it is convenience personified. The functions are not difficult to use and it’s a vibrator that caters to the needs of beginners as well as those women who have proven experience in the use of vibrators. For those who are still unsure about its use, it will be a good idea to close your eyes to all the doubts and give it a try. You aren’t going to be disappointed in the least.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monkey Spanker - Male Masturbator

Posted by Kevin Fedorr at 6:36 AM 0 comments

Monkey Spanker

The Monkey Spanker is a vibrating masturbator that stimulates your genitals to the highest pitch of excitement. It has a unique diaphragm design that wraps around the penis so firmly no one can tell it’s not the real thing. The Monkey Spanker is sleekly designed to avoid hurting your sensibilities and is low maintenance, durable and made out of a highly specialized soft and pliable medical grade material. The Monkey Spanker is a hand and blow job specialist and does not ask you to clean up after the act. Not only that, it leads to extremely satisfying and intense orgasms that make sex with your partner even more thrilling. The Monkey Spanker does not go up in smoke if you come home late after a couple of beers with friends. This product has been specifically designed for those lonely times when no one’s around and you have to do it. Do you really need any more reasons to buy the Monkey Spanker?


Monday, December 14, 2009

Discover your pleasure spots with male sex toys

Posted by Kevin Fedorr at 6:56 AM 0 comments
If you are a sexually adventurous and active adult male, you probably think you know all there is to know about sex. Hold your breath as you encounter the new generation of sex toys, exclusively designed to stimulate your body to breathtaking heights of ecstasy. There is a wide range of masturbators and massagers, extender sheaths, vibrating rings, clitoral stimulators and many other great sex toys that will pleasure you when you are alone or with your partner.

Masturbators for healthy masturbation

Masturbation is the process of self-stimulation in order to create sexual excitement. It involves a person maneuvering his/her genitals till orgasm or intense pleasure has been achieved. Masturbation was once considered to be a perversion and a symptom of mental illness but is now accepted as a safe, healthy and normal sexual activity. Long gone are the days when men and women were not expressive about their sexual needs and desires. Today they speak for themselves. This has helped in bringing masturbators out of the closet and has boosted their popularity. There are a number of male masturbators available today that let you experiment with your and your partner’s body. Monkey Spanker is one such masturbator.


History of Vibrators

Posted by Kevin Fedorr at 6:11 AM 0 comments

From the moment that the steam-powered “Manipulator” appeared in Britain in 1870, the story of vibrators is every bit as thrilling as the devices themselves, reflecting science, medicine, design, technology and social history. I am this week giving a lecture at the Cheltenham Science Festival on the science and history of vibrators, and through my research I have come to realize that, above all, the vibrator story reflects men's changing attitudes towards women.

It starts hysterically with “womb furie”. Hippocrates thought the womb wasn't a fixed item but wandered about the body looking for trouble. At the moment of orgasm, it gripped the windpipe causing the breathless panting so familiar to watchers of When Harry Met Sally.

From earliest times there was a recognized women's complaint characterized by nervousness, fluid retention, insomnia and lack of appetite. Hippocrates thought that a blockage in the womb was the cause of it, hence it was called hysteria from the Greek for womb (hysteros). Galen, a Greek physician, claimed it was caused by sexual deprivation, particularly in passionate women, and was noted in nuns, virgins, widows and occasionally in married women whose husbands were not up to the job.

Massage to “paroxysm” was the ticket. “Arising from the touch of the genital organs required by the treatment, there follows twitchings accompanied at the same time by pain and pleasure...from that time she is free of all the evil she felt,” proclaimed Galen.

The trouble was that doctors regarded this treatment as numbingly tedious. Bringing a woman to paroxysm by hand could, understandably, take for ever. It was a job that required stamina and not a little patience. And, significantly, because it took so long, it wasn't lucrative enough for doctors who needed to see many patients to achieve a reasonable income.

And masturbation (by either sex) was regarded as wrong. It was not only a moral affront but something that was thought of as constitutionally dangerous, enfeebling mind and body. “Women [with hysteria] should not resort to rubbing,” said Avicenna, the Muslim scholar and founder of early modern medicine. It was, he advised, “a man's job, suitable only for husbands and doctors”.

A vibrating sphere did the business

By the late 19th century spas had introduced water treatments to do the job more efficiently. A scary French pelvic douche from about 1860 involved what looks like a high-pressure fire hose, trained on the clitoris. It claimed to induce paroxysm in less than four minutes. If marriage wasn't delivering the goods, rickety trains, rocking chairs or horse riding were advised for nervous women as gynaecological Dyno-Rodding techniques. But if the 2.20 from Tooting failed to oblige, there was no option but recourse to a medical man. Given that many in the medical profession thought that as much as 75 per cent of the female population were “hysterical” and that it was a chronic disease which could be relieved but not cured, there was a pressing need for cheaper, less cumbersome devices. By the mid-1870s, steam power had been explored. “The Manipulator” was a table with a cut-out area for the woman's pelvis. A vibrating sphere driven by a steam engine then did the business. But like the hydrotherapies, it was not suitable for the doctor's treatment room. It was a niche market poised for exploitation.

The first British vibrator was manufactured by Weiss in the early 1880s and it had several interchangeable “vibratodes”. It was battery-driven, but as electrification swept the world, devices rapidly appeared that were powered by street current. They delivered vibrations at the rate of 1,000-7,000 pulses a minute. There was every sort of variation: portable, floor-standing and, oh joy, the wondrous Carpenter vibrator which hung from the ceiling, looking like a device familiar to those who visit Kwik Fit to have their tires changed.

These devices were operated by doctors, which medicalised the process and made it entirely proper. But more importantly, the medical paradigm for millennia had been that women's sexual pleasure involves penetration. A bit of rubbing by a doctor was perfectly acceptable because it didn't involve putting anything in the vagina. In fact, there was far fiercer controversy when the speculum (a metal device that is put into the vagina to allow a clear view of the neck of the womb) was introduced. The other point that is often raised is why, if paroxysm was the sovereign cure for hysteria, women were not taught how to masturbate and cure themselves.

In the early 20th century, everything in the garden was rosy until electrification made vibrators available in the home. They were, incidentally, electrified ten years before either the washing machine or Hoover. The first home machines were awesomely large, with a big box attached to the mains. One imagines that they were also awesomely noisy. But then they were miniaturized (relatively speaking). Hand-cranked versions became available, which presumably must have been distressingly prone to running out of power long before satisfaction had been achieved.

With names like Dr Macaura's Blood Circulator or the fabulously titled Veedee Vibrator, these were common devices. The Science Museum has many. “People never expect that the Science Museum has over 40 examples of vibrators,” says Katie Maggs, its assistant curator of medicine. Indeed. The product leaflets of these machines claimed they cured not just hysteria but also deafness, polio and impotence. No doubt dropped arches, halitosis and dandruff were in there somewhere, too. These machines were advertised everywhere. Good Housekeeping ran a “tried and tested” on vibrators in 1909, claiming they brought a glow to the face.

From medicine to high street accessory

Once this “treatment” had escaped from the medical arena and was available for home use, doctors stopped using it. Moreover, although vibrators were still widely advertised before the First World War, the advent of silent films, some of which portrayed them being used sexually, discredited them. Vibrators then disappeared from view completely for the best part of 50 years, although they continued to be offered, labelled as “neck massagers” in catalogues.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Male Sex Toys Vs. Female Sex Toys - Differences, Variety, Pros and Cons

Posted by Kevin Fedorr at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Both male sex toys and female sex toys have been discussed. Sexual drive and needs of males and females and a range of male and female sex toys has also been discussed. Pros and cons, and who has better ammunition for self pleasure are also mentioned. Men and women have a different perception of what constitutes sexual satisfaction. The fact that there is an obvious difference in the erogenous zones of men and women, as well as, their sexual organs means that male sex toys differ from female sex toys.

Sexual drives and sexual needs

It’s a well-known fact that men are sexually stimulated with visuals, while women are stimulated more through scent. The focus of men is more on sexual intercourse and finding out new ways for genital stimulation, as well as, optimizing genital stimulation. Women on the other hand put prime importance on all that comes just before sexual intercourse, meaning the foreplay. The sexual drives of women are similar to that of men, but their sexual needs are more fulfilled if they establish a connection with their partner. Sexual needs of both differ in terms of what they want from sex. While men want frequency, women focus on intimacy.

Range of male and female sex toys

There is a range of sex toys available in the market. Erotic toys catering to the needs of both men and women are some of the fast selling products on the market. The wide range available means that there are toys configured to satisfying each and every sexual need of both men and women. For women, you have a range of dildos and vibrators as well as anal sex toys. Some of the popular vibrators that are available today are the Rabbit range of vibrators. Some of these include the Erotic Rabbit, Mini Rabbit, Rabbit Pearl Butterfly and the Rampant Rabbit. Men have their own range of male sex toys. Those that are commonly used are the male prostate massagers. Other male sex toys include masturbation sleeves, penis pumps and cock rings.

Pros and cons of male and female sex toys

The fact that they can help stimulate the erogenous zones of the body is the biggest benefit of the sex toys. Both men and women experience some earth shattering orgasms with the use of sex toys. Many relationships that have got boring and are on the verge of collapse have been saved by introducing the use of sex toys in sexual intercourse. The only disadvantage of using sex toys that one can think of is the fact that their frequent use might make it difficult for a person to achieve sexual stimulation the normal way.

Who has the better ammunition for self pleasure?

At the first glance, it may look that women have better ammunition than male for self pleasure. The sex toy industry has a host of sex toys for women. However, this is changing fast, as new and improved male toys are being introduced in the market too. Men are getting privilege of having more and more variety these days, which they didn’t a few years ago. Soon, men will be having as much variety of toys as women have in their sex toys arsenal.


Friday, December 4, 2009

The Future of Sex Toys

Posted by Kevin Fedorr at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Sex Toys
For some the future of sex toys is here. The Tenga range of male sex toys is a revolutionary range of sex toys that look nothing like the classic male sex toys. Fleshlights are yet another new male sex toys that has taken masturbation to another level altogether. Female sex toys are also increasing their scope in terms of stimulation. Rabbit vibrators, realistic vibrators and a range of fun vibrators offer various special features. The range of LELO vibrators has added the luxury quotient to the vibrators. The day is not far when you won’t be able to make out the difference between sexual intercourse and using a sex toy. The sex toy might even get better than the real deal.
