No doubt that her vibrator is her favorite when it comes to pleasuring herself. But the vibrator does not have the various arsenal as yours. Your tongue, fingers and the biggest weapon - your penis. These pointers would help you in competing and winning against her silicone vibrating beau that is threating to take your place.

Give her a thumbs-up.
The G spot should be focussed upon. The thumb should be used as your weapon of choice to press her vaginal wall and more importantly her G spot. The pressure on the G spot is bound to unleash her energies slowly and get her in the mood. This is something the vibrator cannot achieve and cannot achieve because it does not know this secret. G Spot is more sensitive than the clitoris and hence it will work in your favor.
An alternate G-trick: Insert your index finger in a "come-hither" curl position inside her vagina while applying pressure on her pubic bone with your other hand. This dual stimulation heightens sensitivity. So there was the first of the ways to help you beat the vibrating beau.

5 ways to outperform her vibrator - 1